Sunday, April 03, 2011

Interview with Cassie Clare

I am so glad to say that Cassandra Clare has graced Black Nailed Reviews with a quick interview over her upcoming release of the fourth installment of the Mortal Instruments series, City of Fallen Angels, and her writing process. Here is my interview with her:
City of Fallen Angels will be in third person, so what are some things we will see from each character?
Well, all my books have been in third person so far! From Clary we'll see her adjusting to Shadowhunter training, from Jace, some pretty low points, from Simon some serious internal struggles. I would say everyone is tempted, and everyone falls prey to that temptation. No one's really safe. 
How will CoFA build on the rest of the series? 
It really kicks off a new cycle. What it has is this set of relationships that are in place, and then it proceeds to explode some of them and build on others. But it's not a continuation of the same story. There's a different villain. There's a different scope to the conflict. A lot of the conflict is internal. The characters are very much struggling with who they are and what they want.

What was the most exciting scene to write in CoFA? 
Without giving spoilers? I'll honestly say in a lot of ways, the last few pages.

How was it expanding on Simon's life as a vampire? 
Fun. Simon hates being a vampire. He doesn't like blood. He thinks it's gross. He's just kind of annoyed by the whole thing, which is fun to write, because the whole dark, brooding vampire thing goes so against 
Simon's grain, which is basically cheerful and ironic.
With the first movie under way, are there any scenes from City of Bones you want to be in the movie?
Well, keeping in mind I've no control over it, I wouldn't want to lose the greenhouse kiss or Magnus' wild party.
Is there anything you worry about with the book being made into a movie?
Sure, but I have actually watched my friends go through this — having their books made into movies — and one thing I've learned is you seriously cannot get bent out of shape about every little new development. Nothing's forever in Hollywood until the cameras roll. Until then, I regard all news as provisional. 
Lastly, is there any advice you would give to upcoming writers?
Read. Read a lot, read out of your comfort zone, read good books and bad books. Just read. 

Remember to buy City of Fallen Angels on April 5th! Over Eat Read Love, I talked to Cassandra Clare about her life in the categories of eating, reading, and love. 

Source-----:  Black Nailed Reviews    
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